Google Summer of Code 2018 Idea List

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openwisp-radius: integrating django-freeradius in OpenWISP 2

Languages & technologies used: python, django, freeradius, django-rest-framework, ansible.

One of the most important features missing in OpenWISP 2 is the AAA (Authorization, Authenticatio and Accounting), which in OpenWISP 1 is implemented with OpenWISP User Management System from now on (OWUMS).

In 2017 we worked on the base module of OpenWISP 2: django-freeradius, now is time to improve django-freeradius and integrate it in the OpenWISP 2 ecosystem.

Measurable outcomes:

openwisp-ipam: IP Address Management module for OpenWISP 2

Languages & technologies used: python, django, django-rest-framework, javascript.

This project idea consists in creating a new OpenWISP 2 IPAM module with the basic features for IP Address Management.

The project is divided in 2 phases.

Phase 1: django-ipam

This project idea consists in creating a django reusable app which provides the common features for IP Address Management:

The django app must have also the following traits that will be needed for the second phase:

Phase 2: openwisp-ipam

In this phase we will integrate django-ipam with the rest of the OpenWISP 2 ecosystem

This will require creating a module called openwisp-ipam which will wrap and integrate django-ipam in the rest of the OpenWISP 2 ecosystem, in a very similar way as openwisp-controller integrates django-netjsonconfig, and openwisp-network-topology integrates django-netjsongraph.

Measurable outcomes:

netjsongraph.js: canvas and geographic data

Languages & technologies used: javascript, ES6, CSS, netjson and a bit of python and django in the last phase.

netjsongraph.js is a javascript library based on d3 that allows visualization of NetJSON NetworkGraph objects.

The library uses SVG for visualization, which can be quite slow when many elements are shown, therefore we would like to try switching to canvas.
We also need an optional mode in which the network is displayed on a map.

We aim at building something like mesh viewer with the difference that this is a library and not an application.
We want to give developers the possibility to implement features like those of mesh-viewer in their application without reinventing the weel BUT we also want to integrate these features in OpenWISP 2, infact we are already using the current netjsongraph.js version in our network topology module, for more information see django-netjsongraph (which is the base module wrapped by openwisp-network-topology).

Measurable outcomes:

netengine: pull monitoring info from network devices

Languages & technologies used: python, NetJSON, SNMP, HTTP, OpenWrt, Linux.

Netengine is a python library that aims to provide a single API to extract common information from network devices using different protocols (eg: SNMP, SSH, HTTP) and different firwmares (eg: OpenWrt, AirOS).

The library kinda worked but was not brought to production level work and since OpenWISP 2 is going to have a monitoring system soon, wa want to rewrite this library to bring its implementation to production level.

NOTE: backward compatibility does not have to be maintained we can freely change and improve the API and internal structure of the library if we think the change is going to improve the quality of the implementation.

WARNING: to work on this project you need an AirOS device; OpenWrt/LEDE can be installed in a virtual box VM, but AirOS cannot (at least not as easily). If you don't have an AirOS device compatible with the latest version and you do not indend to buy one you cannot work on this project.
If it ever happens that you get accepted but you fail to buy an AirOS device, you will be failed.

Measurable outcomes:

NOTE: this is one of those projects that sounds easy but is not.

Ansible plugin for the netjsonconfig library

Languages & technologies used: python, ansible.

Ansible is an IT automation tool that has been recently gaining popularity also in the OpenWrt world.

We want to implement an ansible plugin that integrates netjsonconfig and allows using its two most interesting features, that is templates and context, in ansible.

It should be possible to define configuration templates, assign them to specific playbooks and define specific configurations for hosts.

The configuration format format used by netjsonconfig is NetJSON DeviceConfiguration, but a YAML conversion of NetJSON would be good as well. Support for both would be preferred.

Measurable outcomes:

Implement NetJSON output in ubus (OpenWrt/LEDE)

NetJSON is emerging as a common format to exchange configuration and monitoring information from network devices. Year after year it's becoming easier to achieve interoperability between different software packages for community networks. Now is time to start implementing NetJSON in a lower level of the stack and the next natural step in that direction is to implement it in ubus (OpenWrt micro bus architecture), which is included by default in LEDE and OpenWrt, the two linux distributions commonly used with OpenWISP.

In this project the student will have to develop ubus API extensions that allow retrieving monitoring informatio in NetJSON format (NetJSON DeviceMonitoring) from ubus.

Measurable outcomes:

PfSense backend for OpenWISP 2

Languages & technologies used: python, pfsense, json-schema, netjson.

Implement a PfSense backend in netjsonconfig.

Measurable outcomes:

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